Former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh passed away on December 26, 2024, at 92. Renowned as an economist and a visionary leader, Singh spearheaded India’s economic liberalization during his tenure as finance minister (1991-1996). As PM (2004-2014), he oversaw historic achievements like the US-India nuclear deal and steered India’s rapid economic growth.
World leaders and Indian political figures lauded his legacy. PM Narendra Modi called him “a pivotal figure in India’s progress,” while Rahul Gandhi hailed him as “the greatest champion of India’s economic resurgence.” U.S. President Joe Biden noted his contributions to strengthening India-U.S. ties and fostering India’s global prominence.
Despite challenges like corruption scandals, Singh’s integrity and transformative impact on India’s economy and international relations remain unquestioned. His death marks the end of an era, leaving a lasting legacy on India’s development path. Singh is survived by his wife, Gursharan Kaur, and their three daughters.